Why Is The Discovery Of A Model Called The Geocentric Model Of The Universe

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from the beginning of the history to 1500= Before of the discovery of a model called the geocentric model of the universe, every phenomenon that science couldn’t explain was attributed to the intervention of Gods. For example, storms, lightnings and thunderbolts were considered work of the God Jupiter, offended by the humans’ behavior. Also the movement of the stars was considered the work of Gods, like Dante Alighieri confirmed in his Divine Comedy in his line: "L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle”, which literally means “The love that moves the Sun and the other stars” that is God that moves the Sun and the other Stars. The history of gravity began in the Ancient Greece with Aristotele who stated that the earth was situated in the center …show more content…

Copernicus convinced Galilei that the Eart wasn’t at the center of the Universe but it rotated as other planets around the Sun. However he didn’t have enough experimental tests to declare publicly his adhesion to the Copernican system. Fortunately in 1609, Hans Lippershey invented one of the most important and revolutionary instrument that completely changed the way of seeing of Space: the telescope. The telescope has been so important because it allowed the astronomers to study the universe more in depth because it allowed them to see things that they wouldn’t be able to see only with the naked eye. Using this instrument Galileo finally managed to see for the first time in the history of the humans that on the surface of the Moon there were craters and mountains (and the phases of Venus), that Saturn had satellites, that around Jupiter there are orbiting four moons and that on the surface of the sun there were some dark areas that he called ‘sunspots’. All this discoveries clearly proved that the Earth orbited around the Sun. in 1632, Galileo published his book called ‘the Dialogo’, in which there is a kind of discussion between the heliocentric Theory and the Aristotele’s Theory. In this book he has been the first one to define the world gravity: gravity is a force that exist between objects and the Earth. This definition even stated that ‘in absence of air resistance all objects felt in the Earth with a constant

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