Army Food Service Challenges Paper

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This paper exposes the individual perspective of a service member’s experience with food service in the U.S. Army. It explains three challenges in areas of professional development and how they impact food service in the U.S. Army. This writing describes from a personal experience point of view how the institutional domain can affect change in Army food service. Also, the paper covers how the former statement relates and directly influences the operational domain. Lastly, the writer explains how all of it interconnects; the life-saving self-development domain and provides possible solutions to overcome the challenges contained therein.

Army Food Service Challenges Every organization—large or small—faces many different challenges in today’s complex operational environments. These challenges are indeed affecting the lower, most direct levels of operations and the upper, organizational or strategic as a result. There are systems in place, which if utilized adequately, can provide long-lasting sustainable improvements in all aspects of Army food service. These systems provide one of many other possible solutions to the …show more content…

That’s how important it is to overcome the challenges mentioned in the previous paragraphs. It will not be possible to achieve operational success unless all of these challenges are satisfactorily addressed. It begins with leadership development, developing the next generation of Culinary Specialists to standard. Where do leaders find specific guidance for Soldier training? There are several sources, but the Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide for Culinary Specialists provides the necessary guidance and measurable standards for their training program. This manual alone should be the everyday desk reference and training guide for all dining facility training

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