Asda Operations Strategy

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Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion. Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic models. Full articulation of ideas developed. Offering wellargued solutions and/or alternatives if and where appropriate.

Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section Knowledge and Research (content, relevance, and originality) Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised authoritative sources. Audience focus. Meeting the deliverables. 55% Writing and Presentation (format, references or bibliography, and style) Rigorous use of the Harvard Methodology for citation and referencing; page numbering; correct display of direct quotations.

Structuring your assisgnment
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to your chosen organisation. – Operations strategy formulation – Operations strategy implementation – Operations strategy monitoring – Operations strategy control Answer 2
• Explain each stage of the above process • Explain how your selected organisation might have followed the above stages to develop their operations strategy

Asda stores limited was founded on February 19 1949 in Leeds. Asda name was made from two separate companies Asquith Supermarkets and Associated Dairies. The two companies merged in 1865 and the name Asda was created as an abbreviation of Asquith And Dairies

Copied from google

In the 1920's, a group of Yorkshire dairy farmers started Hindell’s Dairy Farmers Ltd. At the same time in West Yorkshire, the Asquith family opened their seventh butcher shop in the area. After being bought out in 1949, the Hindell's business moved to Leeds and became Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Limited.
Copied from Asda home page

Task 3: • Analyse the different business/competitive strategies the organisation might employ using the different operations objectives Answer …show more content…

• Analyse the problems of controlling component activities and of controlling quality • Critically discuss methods of project evaluation and of scheduling resources

Task 4: Detail the operations management contributions to the organisations’ strategy improvement. Answer • Explain what is meant by strategy improvement • Contribution of operations management in the improvement of the organisational strategy

Task 5 : Conclude your report and provide recommendations Answer – Conclusion – Recommendations

Assignment Task 1. Show how will your chosen organisation compete within its business area. 2. Start your report using the four processes of operations strategy stages, and how these apply to your chosen organisation. a. Operations strategy formulation b. Operations strategy implementation c. Operations strategy monitoring d. Operations strategy control 3. Analyse the different business/competitive strategies the organisation might employ using the different operations objectives. 4. Detail the operations management contributions to the organisations’strategy improvement
Conclude your report and provide