Assignment 2 Indigenous Use Of Australian Timber

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Research Assignment 2 – Indigenous Use of Australian Timbers 1. The indigenous people used many different types of trees and their timber for different tools, weapons and utensils. o Mulga (Acacia Aneura) used for making boomerangs for hunting kangaroos because the timber was heavy. o Oyster bay pine (Callitris Rhomboidea) its saplings are used for making spears because they are tall, straight, and light. o Yellow stringy bark (Eucalyptus Acmenoides) used for creating digeridoos because the tree is thin and is often targeted by termites which makes it hollow on the inside. o Boxwood (Buxus) is also used for constructing digeridoos because it is thin and hollow from being eaten by termites. o Red gum (Eucalyptus Camaldulensis) its bark is used for canoe making as the tree is wide and the bark is thick and takes a long time to rot. o …show more content…

o Yellow box (Eucalyptus Melliodora) its bark is also used for canoe making but it is thinner and narrower once it dries. o Grass tree (Xanthorrhoea) its resin is used for gluing the rock or stone to the axe handle so it doesn’t slip off. o Wattle tree (Acacia Pycnantha) its timber is used for making axe and hatchet handles. 2. The Indigenous people used the timber from trees to make a variety of weapons, transport, tools and housing, such as: o Spears o Boomerangs o Clubs o