
Atomic Bomb Dbq

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Hailey Thompson Mrs. Wiegers Honors English 2: 7th period 24 February 2022 The Atrocities of the Atomic Bomb Albert Einstein once said, "The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe." Japan and the US became enemies when on opposing sides in World War II because of a fight over resources and aggression towards each other. The US fought with guns, invasions, and not taking no for an answer. Japan was rapidly industrializing but they had little natural resources causing a famine increasing the tension between the plentiful us and the lacking in resources japan. The shift of fdr to Truman was a big shock to the way the US handles threats and war, going from …show more content…

Therefore, it was necessary for the US to drop the bomb on Japan during WWII because not dropping it would have prolonged the war and caused more casualties. For example, May and Astore’s artcle "Atomic Bomb: Was the Atomic Bombing Are Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified?” argues, “The employment of the atomic bomb was the culmination of a U.S. attempt to end the Pacific war as quickly as possible by all military means available.” This illustrates how the war was at such a high priority to the world that the US made a tough decision and decided to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end world war II as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the US dropping the atomic bomb started the cold war. Dropping the bomb ended one war while starting another, causing even more loss of life and plunged the world into another war. In fact, May and Astore’s “Atomic Bomb: Was the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified?” claimed that Harry Truman and his colleagues didn't know what the aftermath of the bombing would look like, they didn't know about the illnesses it would cause or the war it was kick-starting . They still dropped the bomb in ignorance. Thus, dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused unforeseen consequences like the start of the cold war. Instead of ending a war and bringing peace they ended one war and started another one. The evidence proves just how ignorant and extreme the measures taken by the US government was when they decided to drop the atomic bomb on innocent civilians. Trying to stop a war the government chose the easiest way out that caused some of the most devastating consequences including kick starting another deadly war. Although the dropping of the bomb ended world war II it led to the start of the cold war plunging the world into more war and

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