Atomic Theory Research Paper

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The Creation:
Atomictheory created by Dalton starts with the atom being the smallest particle of an element, protons and electrons, similar to electrons there are Positrons which are the same mass but have a positive charge, are found within the atom creating, a charge of either positive or negative it can also be neutral. The atom makes up a bigger part in our world being the smallest unit of matter it is made up of everything from desks, chairs, to even humans everything is made up of atoms. The neutron within the atom (otherwise known as Atomos or Atomon) have equal mass, say you have 8 protons and 8 electrons within one atom of hydrogen since there is an equal number of charges then the charges cancels out making the atom neutral. The discovery of the atom however came from more than one source. The …show more content…

These orbitals could determine the position of the elements. Democritus and Leucippus around 400 BCE was a greek scientist who was one of the first to figure out that elements actually exist and things were not just randomly put on earth, but had fundamental value, and the base of all living things. Quantum theory is the base dealing with matter and energy having properties of both particles and waves explaining the radiation of energy, the photoelectric effect, and the Bohr Theory, also known as the planetary model. Sir Niels Bohr also a man who worked under Neils named Werner Heisenberg created this theory, Heisenberg came to be a great scientist although not with the same project. He was a danish scientist who contributed to the understanding of quantum theory and the atomic structure of molecules. The model was a modified version of the earlier Rutherford model. Some call it the Rutherford-Bohr model which is based on quantum mechanics. Rutherford was a research at the cavendish laboratory under JJ

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