
August Pullman Personality Disorder

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Who is August Pullman? August is a 10-year-old boy who loves Xbox, his dog, Daisy, and Star Wars. His favorite holiday is Halloween, and his birthday is October 10th. August was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, which affected the development of his facial bones and caused his appearance to be very different from other children his age. By the time he was twelve, he had been through twenty-seven surgeries to correct his physical condition, but he still had a very unique facial structure that made him stand out. As a result, he was often stared at and bullied by others, and this led to feelings of anxiety and self-consciousness. These negative experiences made August hesitant to go out in public, and he often wore a helmet to hide his face …show more content…

To start off the book Auggie learns that he will be starting Middle School. Immediately August is nervous about this because he knows how he looks and is afraid that people with make fun of him and stare at him. Auggie states early in the book, “I wish every day could be Halloween. We could all wear masks all the time. Then we could walk around and get to know each other before we got to see what we looked like under the masks” (Palacio in “Wonder”). Since August gets bullied so much about his face, he wishes that he could just walk around with a mask all the time so he could just meet people with his personality. August just wishes that he could live a normal life like everyone else and be treated just like other people. He then states again when meeting someone, “My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse” (Palacio in “Wonder”). August is so self-conscious about his face that he has a hard time talking to people. Which then leads to him making no friends. And a life with no friends is a sad life. When August does get the confidence to talk to people, nobody takes him seriously because he is either wearing his astronaut helmet or because of his facial deformities. Even though Auggie doesn’t get much positivity in the early part of middle school, eventually he starts to learn how to …show more content…

One main example of children with Down syndrome is a kid named Wyatt. Wyatt is a boy in sixth grade that was born with Down syndrome. Since the start of his life, it has been a challenge for him and the people supporting him. According to a Medline Plus article defining Down syndrome, “Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate” (“Medline Plus”). From a Medline Plus article once again, “Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals can have growth problems and their speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome. Additionally, speech may be difficult to understand in individuals with Down syndrome” (“Medline Plus”). When raising Wyatt, it wasn’t like raising any other kid. While all the other students in Wyatt’s grade were starting to multiply, Wyatt was just learning how to talk. Even from the look of it, it appears that Wyatt is a lot younger than he actually is. Wyatt has a lot of day-to-day challenges. He often has a hard time communicating with his family and friends. Individuals with Down syndrome may experience bullying or discrimination, which can

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