Essay On Authoritarian Parenting

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Oregon State University claims that socialization is the development of the learning and understanding of one’s culture and society, along with the understanding of right from wrong, and the knowledge of values and beliefs (Reed, Leslie). The process of socialization begins during infancy so it is the parent’s or caretakers of the child who have the biggest impact on how the child is socially developed. Parent’s and guardians have the biggest and most important role in how a child is socialized because, “As we know human development is affected by 50% genes and 50% environment” (Human-Hendricks, Anja R. and Nicolette V. Roman). It is the parents who provide the genes and the environment for their child, therefore, they have the most important …show more content…

As stated previously, there are many parenting styles, and they all have different outcomes for the social development of a child. The authoritarian parenting style is strict, gives little love and requires the child to obey what the parent says without questioning them. Behavioral outcomes for this parenting style include but are not limited to: delay in child development, lack of individualism, and the child has an increased chance of conflict with others (Human-Hendricks, Anja R. and Nicolette V. Roman). The permissive parenting style is loving but there are no rules or discipline for the child. This style allows the parents to avoid responsibility for the child’s development which results in behavioral issues such as, lack of impulse control, self-centeredness, and the potential to become a substance abuser (Human-Hendricks, Anja R. and Nicolette V. Roman). In the authoritative parenting style love, support and warmth are welcomed. This style provides structure for the child along with rules but in this style the child can help in the decision-making process for rules and other things that affect them. For this parenting style, a few of the behavioral outcomes are motivation, achievement, an outgoing personality, friendliness, and the child has a good chance of becoming a well-adjusted adult (Human-Hendricks, Anja R. and Nicolette V. Roman). If one was to look at each of the parenting styles provided and consider the behavioral outcomes for them, one could see that the authoritative parenting style seems to be the most beneficial. When it comes to socialization and the process of developing into a productive member of society, this style allows the child to grow up in a structured home while having the ability to have an opinion. This, in turn, helps the child voice their opinion as they go through life all the