Autism Case Study

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What is austism? Autism spectrum disorders are a group of lifelong disabilities that affect people’s ability to communicate and to understand social cues(Joan ,mccomas, Jayne Pivik, Marc Laflamme , 1998). In this case study, I’ll discussing about applying robots as therapy tools has shown that robots seem to improve engagement and elicit novel social behaviors from people with autism. Robot therapy for autism has been explored as one of the first application domains in the field of socially assistive robotics (SAR). Besides that, aims to develop robots that assist people with special needs through social interactions(Joan ,mccomas, Jayne Pivik, Marc Laflamme …show more content…

Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc, 2004) . ASDs vary substantially in the severity and nature of symptoms but are defined by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction as well as the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior(Tina R. Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc, 2004).Other than that, signs of autism include difficulty talking about personal feelings or understanding the feelings of others, disinclination to share or engage in reciprocal play with others, lack of eye contact and joint attention behavior, difficulty communicating or using language, and sensitivity to physical contact(Tina R. Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc, 2004). Besides that, early intervention is critical for a positive long-term outcome, and many individuals need high levels of support throughout their lives such as treatments include applied behavior analysis in which positive and negative behaviors are encouraged and discouraged to improve social and communicative skills(Tina R. Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc, 2004). Other approaches is focus on utilizing nonhuman partners to facilitate human-human social interaction, for instance, through pet-assisted therapy(Tina R. Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc, 2004). Although computer-assisted therapy and virtual reality approaches have shown some success which is has been limited investigation of the parameters of the facilitative interactions and of the conditions necessary to generalize the benefits to interactions with human partners(Tina R. Goldsmith & Linda A. LeBlanc,

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