
Autism Spectrum Disorder In Of Mice And Men

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Looking at the beautiful riverbed Lennie calms down while his best friend George holds a pistol to the back of his head deciding the best outcome…BOOM! A huge and lumbering man as an incident as a child that portrays mentally handicapped lays dead in front of George. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinback, two migrant workers named George and Lennie try to earn enough money to accomplish their American dream of buying their own farm. Along the way, the workers encounter numerous obstacles in dealing with Lennie’s disability. Throughout the book, Lennie is characterized by Steinback as a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, wide sloping shoulders, and hands like paws incorporates the comparison to a bear. The figure Lennie consumes …show more content…

The paradox Steinback creates in the story illustrates Lennie’s behaviors to portray innocent because of his mental disability while his actions conform him to represent a murderer. Throughout the novel, Steinback introduces Lennie's different behaviors with speech, repetitive reminders, inability to control his actions, and lack of understanding of human behaviors. Lennie exhibits Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
To start, Lennie exhibits numerous characteristics which correlate to the mental disability of Autism Spectrum Disorder. ASD for short, portrays numerous indicators that Lennie reflects in his behaviors throughout the play Of Mice and Men. The indicators for ASD display repetitive behaviors, restricted interests, and persistent challenges with social communication/interaction. According to Cleveland Clinic which occurs to have 77,000 caregivers, the forefront of modern medicine, ranks top five out of all hospitals in the US, and first in cardiology and heart surgery declares, “Autism, now called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder. ASD is a …show more content…

According to Nationwide Children's, America's Second Largest Pediatric Hospital with more than 1.5 million yearly patient visits. Where 68 facilities extend out across Ohio and beyond. “Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a developmental disorder. Young people with Asperger’s Syndrome have difficulty relating to others socially, their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid, and repetitive. Also, it includes not understanding other people’s feelings or perspectives, clumsy, uncoordinated movements, becoming upset at any small changes in routines, and an intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects.” The first indicator of Asperger’s Syndrome is an intense obsession with one or two things. Psych Central which ranks number 2 in mental health-focused websites declares, “ An obsession is a recurring thought of something or someone, where it always seems to be in a person’s mind. Obsessions may be a passing occurrence or a long-term interest, and may or may not be uncomfortable experiences”(1). George and Lennie sit down and start to communicate their American Dream. How they would buy a farm all on their own, tend to the land every day, and have some cows and pigs. Steinbeck expresses “ An’ live off the fatta the lan ,"Lennie shouted. "An’ have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we’re gonna have in the garden and about the

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