
Baby Boomers Build Intergenerational Relations

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The baby boomers are the generation born after World War II, from 1946 to 1964. They have been described as hard-working, independent, goal-oriented and competitive. They have also been nicknamed the “me generation”, they value success and see both groups have an anti establishment mentality. This means that they desire and value independent living. Some ways that I can leverage my Boomer knowledge to build intergenerational relations is to build a greater sense of community and reach people across the age gap is to create and become active in intergenerational programs. Intergenerational programming is defined as “the purposeful bringing together of different generations in ongoing mutually beneficial activities designed to achieve …show more content…

The millennials view work as a nothing more than a source of income. They see the value of the contributions to their work. They however do not make work their life like past generations. You are less likely to see them working over time like the baby boomer generation. They desire mentally stimulating work. Workplace culture is changing. Labor statistics indicate that “nearly 80 million Baby Boomers will exit the workplace in the next decade. These employees are retiring at the rate of 8,000 per day or more than 300 per hour.” (Kane, Sally. Baby Boomers.) This new loss of hard working labor in the legal profession, consist of mostly partners, executives, senior support staff, legal managers and other legal thought leaders, will drastically impact the legal industry. “Baby Boomers complain Millennials are easily distracted and lack discipline, focus, and commitment. Millennials believe Boomers are sexist, defensive, insensitive, resistant to change, and lack creativity.” (Vozza, Stephanie. 4 STEPS TO BRIDGING THE WORKPLACE GENERATION GAP). I can leverage my knowledge to advantage and avoid integrational conflict as well by showing the other person of older age respect in the workplace doing this will most likely benefit the relationship between the two generations because respect is usually …show more content…

In most modern cases it strengthens the bonds between generations. Social media keeps the baby boomer generation in the loop with the norms of generation x and the millennials, even if they don’t completely understand them. Technology connects everyone. Modern technology is even looking for more innovative ways to improve the lives of the elderly. For example there are many modern inventions specially designed for the elderly such as wearable sensors that helps to safeguard wandering Alzheimer's patients. Assistive technology for the elderly can certainly bridge the gap because the older generation won't find the more modern technology to be too confusing or difficult to operate when it is adjusted or created specially for the elderly to use in a way that is easier for

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