Baby Boomers Marketing Strategy

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Market Segment is very important in having a business here in our country it is because the customers would be able to know what they want in specific in the business. With the help of Marketing Segmentation, it could be the way that would help a lot of consumers to lessen their expenses because if you have a target market, you will only spend your money for your needs. By the target market, you will be able to determine your customers if they are really willing to spend your offered products no matter how much it costs and what you will need is to keep up with changing trends in the future. To avoid wasting valuable time and resources, and to guarantee the success of your business, you need to perform the target analysis, …show more content…

The baby boomer generation makes up a substantial portion of population in North America. Representing nearly 20% of the American public, baby boomers have a significant impact on the economy. As a result, baby boomers are often the focus of marketing campaigns and business plans.

Generation X Generation X by broadest definition includes those individuals born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. The collective persona of Gen Xers is frequently debated and discussed among academicians and marketing experts worldwide. It traditionally applies to North Americans (U.S and Canada); Australia, and various European countries. There are well over 50 million members of Generation X. We are sometimes referred to as Baby Busters because our birth years follow the baby boom that began after World War II. That boom began to decline in 1957.

Generation Y Generation Y are a group of people born during the '80s and the early '90s. The name is based on Generation X, which is the peer group that came before them. The Generation Y people may be known as echo boomers because they are the children of baby boomers, or someone who was born during the period of increased birth rates that occurred between 1946 and 1964. The Generation Y cohort is also referred to as Millennials, the Internet generation, iGen and/or the Net generation. Overall, this generation of people prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messages rather than actual face-to-face