Bad Health Habits Case Study

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Part A
One of the rising bad health habits among teenagers nowadays would be smoking. Unfortunately, time has evolved to an extent where even little children as young as the age of 10 are starting to fall for this habit. This profile is about a young man Ali, whose age is 22, currently being a student pursuing his degree at a private institution. His bad health habit would be smoking cigarettes. Up to date, he has been smoking for the past ten years. Ali smokes one packet a day which consists of 20 sticks of cigarette. He smokes on a regular basis and started this habit at the age of 12, during his Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE). Initially he use to smoke 2 sticks of cigarettes per day in his secondary school, however the number …show more content…

Through this, the counsellor can plan with him and give ideas on how to totally get rid of this habit. The theory of planned behaviour shows how behaviour is the direct result of a behavioural intention. He should have the positive attitude of wanting to let go of this habit. His family, school environment being the subjective norms would give him the motivation to quit this habit. This will influence his behaviour to work towards his goal and one day he will be able to do it. However to quit smoking successfully, Ali’s family should constantly motivate him to quit smoking. Moreover the victim must address the addiction, habits and routines that go along with it. My second suggestion would be, nicotine replacement therapy. Instead of smoking, the victim can chew on to a gum which contains nicotine. Beginners are advised to start chewing 1-2 gums hourly and not more than 20 gums per day. Smoking should not be done together with the gum as it may increase the toxicity level in the body. This gum works in a way of which when a person chews it, it helps to replace certain amount of nicotine present in the cigarette. Third, doing moderate amount of exercise. Exercising helps our body manage with both physical and mental aspects of nicotine addiction. It helps to reduce the craving to smoke. Whenever Ali gets the urge to smoke, doing simple exercises consistently would help to reduce the urge to smoke. At school , he can practice exercises such as deep knee bends, going up and down a flight of stairs and relaxation therapies such as deep breathing exercise in a quiet environment. If he feels that he is bored of the same type of exercise he can alternatively choose a new type of method to exercise and change his