
Band Of Brothers Research Paper

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Band of Brothers and it’s brotherly portrayal of World War II Band of Brothers and it’s specific depiction of ‘Easy Company’, is at most times authentic and realistic - while also shining a new perspective on the events of World War II. The ten episode mini-series Band of Brothers features both accurate and inaccurate portrayals of the Normandy Invasion, the Battle of the Bulge, and the chronology of World War II. The Normandy Invasion was one of the most decisive and crucial aspects of the European front during WWII, and featured many prominent factors that led to it’s success - and changed the course of the war. Before the Normandy Invasion occurred, the Allied soldiers (not homogenous, but rather a part of both the United States and Britain) …show more content…

The Battle of the Bulge took place on December 16, 1945, wherein, according to ‘American History Online’, “The Allies used delaying tactics until reinforcements could be brought in from the flanks” (“World War II” 5), and had a resounding effect on the outcome of the rest of the war. Before the battle took place, Additionally, Allied troops were advancing into German territory faster than supplies could be consolidated, therefore causing major delays. With attention to the television show, ‘Easy Company’ during this time, was requested at the impoverished town of Bastogne (around where the battle took place), and was left with sparse amounts of munitions and foodstuffs. Moreover, this serves to be an accurate portrayal of the effects of supply delays in German territory, and was a key element in the unnecessary hardships endured during the conflict. The impenetrable American fortifications held strong however, and as a result the German counteroffensive failed miserably; however, as substantiated by ‘Britannica School’, the “Americans sustained about 75,000” (“World War II” 50) casualties as a result of German Blitzkrieg. After the Battle of the Bulge concluded, the soldiers of ‘Easy Company’ were repositioned in the Ardennes (near the village of Foy). To clarify, the Battle of the Bulge was not a planned attack by the Allied forces; however, their victory was contingent on the poorly planned counteroffensive orchestrated by Germany. Preparation for soldiers in this battle was almost nonexistent, as the Allies were forced to (according to ‘American History Online’) “[consolidate] their position along the Ruhr River” (“World War II” 5) as a result of dire supply issues - which thereby caused an impoverished situation for Allied forces. While Band of Brothers

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