Saving Private Ryan Historical Accuracy

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World War II films have been known to be widely entertaining, but the question everyone should be asking themselves is about their accuracy. Saving Private Ryan takes place in France, beginning with the D-Day battle at Omaha Beach. The main protagonists are sent on a mission to retrieve a fellow comrade so that he may return home to his mother since all of his brothers were killed in battle. Before and after they find Private James Ryan, the soldiers will continue to battle German fighters in order to carry out America’s success in the world war. While the plot is intriguing, the context of the film is what brings the story to life, making it extremely realistic. Although the movie contains minor historical inaccuracies, the graphic battle scenes, detailed …show more content…

The first battle scene is what set the tone for the rest of the movie. The filmmakers did not hold back when they shot the D-Day scene on the beach. When the soldiers pull up in the real LCPV’s ( Mankarios ), multiple men were getting sick in the boat, kissing their crosses, and anticipating the battle that awaited them. As soon as they hit the sand on the beach, the Germans began firing and killing multiple men before they could even get off their boats. The special effects emphasized on the gory intestines spilling out of open abdominal gashes from bombs, the blood stained beach from the red ocean, and the clean headshots through their metal helmets (Basinger). This is historically accurate, regarding the advanced German defenses and battle strategies. Due to this, the U.S. took some heavy losses, and the gross,