
Banking Concept Of Education

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The classroom narrative touches on many things that Freire would want in an education system. Freire critizes the modern education system, banking concept of education, and its ineffectiveness towards students education because of the inablitiy to think creativly, the lack of student-teacher relatioships and how students get taught a cirriculum that promotes an oppresive society. Freire states “ This solution is not (nor can it be) found in the banking concept...banking education maintains and even stimulates the contradiction through the following attitudes and practices, which mirror oppressive society as a whole”(Page 2, PP 2). Due to this, the modern education is deemed ineffective and calls for a solution which Freire calls the raison …show more content…

My teacher at the time, Mr.N, encouraged us to try to contradict his lectures and share any thoughts that we might of had. Due to this, it started making me thinking not only about my life in a deeper meaning but it actually made me think about what freedom actually is and if we have it, what is just and existential ideas. Most of those thoughts are not usually encouraged because it goes against the norm of day to day life, however Mr.N was different. The student-teacher relationship is one that the modern education system tries to emphasize and encourage however, it it obvious that not many teachers put a full effort into this. Some teachers do not like talking to students after class in general and that is a huge problem that Freire discusses. To him, the relationship is a major key into changing the education system and even in modern day schools, it is an issue that many schools suffer from. Some of the teachers I have had only give one word answers which are not helpful at all and then some, like Mr.N, have a full discussion with a student to help resolve any issues. Even though the student-teacher relationship is a work in progress, there are some teachers that do emphasize on this and because of this, it makes it possible that every student has had at least one teacher that incorporates the raison d’etre of libertarian

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