Paulo Freire's The Banking: Concept Of Education

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Author Paulo Freire, in his paper called “The Banking:Concept of Education”, Freire discusses the process of the the banking concept of education and how it is not a means to helping students. Based on a narrative character, in which Freire mentions, the artifact focuses on the subject as the teacher/patient and the listening object/audience as the students. Freire believes that “education is suffering from narration sickness” and that the banking concept is not a solution when it comes to providing the opportunity to educate students (Freire 258). One of the main concepts that I took away from Freire’s paper is that we should be teaching students how to be creative, to trust student, and think for themselves than just giving them a set process and structure in …show more content…

When we set up students to learn a certain way, it will be harder for students to adapt to change when it comes to the real world. Freire does a great job in relating this to an example of Roger giving grass to a goat. He talks about how the right way to teaching how to
“become beings for themselves” rather than just supplying the tools for them. I definitely agree, because when you think about it, you are only giving a short time solution, and you are teaching others to depend on you, but if you teach others ways in which they can provide for themselves based on what they have, then they are more likely to become less dependent and more capable of taking care of their needs, providing a long term solution. I can see this example definitely through how countries spend money to buy supplies for other countries in need, but by doing that, you are only solving the solution temporarily, but by teaching others how to provide for themselves through the resources they have around them, they are more likely to solve a huge issue, long term. Freire’s concept reminds me of an article I read about a women in the
United States who created a company for the homeless to work in, but at the same time in