Baptist Community Service Case Study

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BaptistCare operate more than 160 facilities and programs across NSW and the ACT to serve the aged, the disadvantaged and the disabled. The organisation was founded in 1944 as the NSW Baptist Home Trust to serve the needs of the most vulnerable and isolated members of society, and since then has grown progressively and significantly across NSW and ACT. The journey to today’s BaptistCare from its humble beginning in 1944 reached Baptist Community Services (BCS) in 1986. In 2014, BCS renewed its commitment to deliver care and services to a diverse group of clients with the primary target groups being older people and their carers, people living with disadvantage and distress, and marginalized people requiring housing and support. The organisation has been rebranded to …show more content…

They are Cert-4 Aged care workers? Care facilitators to home-based offices – reduced office footprint and allows facilitators to spend more time with customers (Annual Report 2015) Home Packages – Level 2, 4 Community Housing BaptistCare is a community housing provider under the new National Regulatory System for Community Housing. The two target groups for community housing are: elderly persons at risk of homelessness; women and children escaping domestic violence. The goal of BaptistCare is to provide 500 dwellings for community housing for both target groups by 2019. The current portfolio of housing locations includes Lismore, Goulburn, the Blue Mountains, Macquarie Park and Five Dock, and two other locations – Illawarra and South West Sydney – where BaptistCare provide support services to women and children escaping domestic violence. BaptistCare’s next Five Year Plan is to deliver an integrated support solution that sustains tenancies and communities. Questions What are the quantities and tiers of the existing Community Housing? Does BaptistCare want to upgrade from a lower to a higher tier?

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