Battle Of Bull Run Essay

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The first major battle that we will look back on is the Battle of Fort Sumter. This battle took place at Fort Sumter, and began on April 12th, 1861. This battle signified the beginning of the war, and was also where the first shots were fired between both sides of the war. During the battle, the Union was being commanded by Robert Anderson, and the Confederates were being commanded by P. G. T. Beauregard. The battle went on for 33 hours and lead the Union army to surrender. Astoundingly, no one died during the battle, except for one Confederate soldier that was accidentally shot during a 50-round salute to the dismantled American flag. The next battle that we will look back on is the Battle of Bull Run. Bull Run began on July 21st, 1861. The …show more content…

This battle also lead to a Confederate victory and showed to the Union that this was not going to be an easy war to end. The next battle we will look back on is the Battle of Shiloh. The Battle of Shiloh began on April 6th of 1862. This battle weakened the Confederates because of one of their commanders was injured in battle. The Union’s commanders were Don Carlos Buell and Ulysses S. Grant. The commanders for the Confederates were P.G.T. Beauregard and Albert Sidney Johnston. Albert Sidney Johnston was the commander that was injured in battle, which caused the Confederates to lose to the Union in this battle. There was a total of 23,746 casualties and 3,482 deaths. The Last battle we will look back at is the Battle of Antietam. The Battle of Antietam is commonly know as the bloodiest day in American history with a total of 22,717 casualties and 3,654 deaths between both sides. The commanders for this battle were George B. McClellan for the Union and Robert E. Lee for the Confederates. The Battle of Antietam is considered a draw from a military point of view, but Abraham Lincoln and the Union claimed it as a