
Becoming A Physician Assistant

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When I was younger, my “when I grow up” job was to become a doctor. At some point around time, I wanted to help people and make the world a better place in some way, shape or form. I wanted to help people and make the world a better place in some way, shape or form. Even though my career path has changed slightly along the way, I believe that mindset of wanting to help people (especially health-wise) has stuck with me through all these years. When I heard that there was such a thing as a Physician Assistant, I immediately wanted to learn more about it. Not that I didn’t still want to become a doctor, but I believe the PA profession to be a better fit for me.
Soon after I began my journey into learning about what a PA does, I found a video …show more content…

The gratification I get from the job comes mostly from seeing patients go from dealing with the various ailments and injuries seen on a daily basis and sometimes feeling as if there’s no hope to progressing and regaining seemingly lost strength and vitality, resulting in him or her being able to go back to the comforts of home and spend time with family. There are some days when it seems like there’s a lot put on the CNAs by the charge nurses and patients, but I believe it all to be well worth it for the sake of the people’s health. Each day I go in to work, I try my best to go in with the mindset of caring for and treating the people the way I would want to be cared for and treated if I was in their position. That mindset, I believe, really helps me to work twice or three times as hard as I would otherwise. Relating this to my PA career goals, I’ve seen a similar attitude implemented while shadowing and I’m confident that I could easily apply it to being a PA, if given the chance. I also believe being a PA would most allow me to apply this mindset, more than any other career.
In addition to having a stable career, I plan to use the knowledge and experience gained to participate in medical missions trips. Being involved in medical missions is something I’ve been interested in for a long time, but never had the opportunity to take part in. I haven’t been able to

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