Becoming An Immigration Lawyer Essay

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The defendant is about to be ripped away from their family and be deported back to their country and the only person who can help their case is an immigration lawyer. By focusing on the career as an immigration lawyer, they defend person’s case and prevent him or her from being sent to another country. After comparing Texas A&M Kingsville, Texas State, and South Texas College of Law based on my criteria of tuition cost, distance from home, and best program, Texas A&M Kingsville would be the best choice in helping me pursue a career as an immigration lawyer. As a result, Texas A&M Kingsville has a great criminal justice program to help me practice in my career as a lawyer. Entering the criminal justice field opens up many careers to pursue in the future. One of those careers is a lawyer, to be more specific, an immigration lawyer. According to Learn How To Become website, “In order to practice law as an immigration lawyer, one must have a bachelor's degree and a Juris Doctorate Law degree.” In order to complete a …show more content…

After attending a university, it is mandatory to attend a law school of your choice. South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas is known to be a strong law school. Stated in the Texas A&M criminal justice program website, “Our courses will cover the fundamentals of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, the judicial system, corrections, and communities, all within an interdisciplinary framework.” A&M provides multiple courses to help with any career available within taking the program. On their website it also states, “... understanding of criminal justice that will prepare them for careers as researchers, effective agents of justice, and informed and critically engaged citizens.” Researching different universities that involved the same program but there is enough reason to believe Texas A&M Kingsville is the right criminal justice