Becoming Successful Research Paper

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Becoming successful in life takes time and dedication. Many people relate success to money, but success comes in numerous ways. Being successful throughout college will not come easy. Transitioning into college can be very difficult. You don 't know what to expect because you are coming into new situations that you will have to take on by yourself. The change from living with your parents and them being there for you every moment slowly goes away. Once you enter the college world you are on your own and you are to make of your life what you please. Student success to me is the ability to carry myself through the world with qualities and knowledge that I learned at the university. Success is being prepared through instruction and teaching …show more content…

It helps you cope with everyday obstacles. Having a positive state of mind helps makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking when things do not go your way. If you consider it as a way of life, it brings constructive changes into your life and makes it happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude, you see the bright side of things, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. By having a positive attitude, it helps me in many ways like expecting success and not failure. It gives you the strength not to give up if you encounter obstacles along the way. It makes you look at failure and problems as blessings in disguise. By Believing in yourself and in your abilities you can succeed in numerous opportunities that are put in front of you. Transitioning to university life can be challenging, but with the support of peers and staff, it will make it easier. Using resources the campus provides will help with transitioning. Reaching out and not being afraid to try new things can help you grow and experience what the school has to offer. Don 't be afraid to ask for help if you need it and accept failure and grow from it. You can 't ever learn if you can 't accept failure. My goal is to keep a positive attitude through college to help me achieve greatness at High Point