Behavior Modification Theory

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Abstract Motivational Strategies and stages of changes are applied to physical exercise by creating a potential successful psychological route into a client’s mind, show them how to get there and then how to keep making goals. One key theory that best describes these changes is the Behavior Modification Theory. It is based on the assumption that behavior is learned and can be changed by modifying the antecedents and consequences (Howley, Edward. 04/2012). This applies for exercise by understanding the underlying reason that someone does not practice good exercise habits, or just do not believe in it. The transtheoretical model is based off of five stages of change, Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance. …show more content…

He is currently taking home economics, his favorite class, and is learning a great deal about how to cook healthier meals. Justin is also highly motivated about getting in better shape so that he may play more on the football team this next year. H does not want to end up like his family, who are all over-weight and sedentary. He knows it will take hard work to become a starter and he is ready, although he does not know exactly how to get there. Justin feels that his current barriers are his focus, parent driven, on his academics. He has brought his grades up significantly, but feels that he does not have enough time after tutoring to exercise. Another barrier are his family. The fact that they are all over weight, eat fast food more often than not and just sit around and watch their favorite shows are affecting his ability to progress due to his age. I feel another barrier is video gaming. As long as it is controlled, it is not a problem, but he should take more action in trying to get his friends together for playing real sports than …show more content…

If she understands what her specific goals are for each day, or even goals for certain times of the day due to her schedule, she may be more prone to act on the exercise part. Doctors have already handled the marketing the benefits of exercise to her during each visit to the clinic, however they don’t always know the best way to get through to people in her position like a fitness professional. The benefits from exercise can be described to her by peers, or anyone in her age group. There are many stories and blogs that describe how others got started and suck with it. This could be a way to get through to her ( Another strategy is to find a potential social network and support group around her home area. This will give her a continuing strength when she is not at work. The other piece of this is figure out why she feels intimidated with her co-workers when they are at the gym. This could open up a large avenue for her to use if she will is able to figure out why she feels that