Behavioral Psychology: Classical And Operant Conditioning

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Behavioral psychologists have focused on the learning of associations through classical and operant conditioning. In this essay I will be explaining, how operant conditioning is learned between behaviors with their consequences. Behaviors are reinforced through positive and negative reinforcement and are more likely to happen again. As well as people are considered punished for the consequences to not occur again.
Both punishment and reinforcement can occur in a negative and positive form. Punishment is the process by which the probability of a response is decreased by the presentation of a punisher. A positive punishment is consider adding something you do not like. My 10-year-old son keeps making a mess outside when he is playing. Since I am trying to get him to learn to not make a mess, I make him mow the lawn when a …show more content…

I have recently decided to work harder on receiving “A’s” as class grades. I have observed a few friends who have excellent GPA scores to see what do they do to have good grades. I have learned that they study several times a week by their selves and in groups. They also make sure to read over assignments to understand exactly what needs to be completed. They are never late on any assignments and put time, effort and dedication in to every class. As I observed I now know how to follow their steps as guidance on how to prepare and exceed on all classes. I am also being observed by my 3-year-old son. As for anyone who has kids understand what they see is what they do. My son plays with his toys in our living room. When I say clean up time I used to sing a song as I would put up all his toys in a certain section of the room. I did it so many times that now all I have to say is “clean up” and he starts to sing the cleanup song and puts all his toys were they are supposed to be. As well he has observed me to wash my teeth every morning that now he does it on his

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