Being An American Essay

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America; land of the free, home of the brave. Being an american, I have learned that I experience a sort of privilege lots of other countries, and their people, don’t. Whilst a lot of other ‘first-world’ countries have many of the same rights I as an American do, America is the country to strictly protect our laws, allowing a vast basis for our rights to truly be more ‘free’ compared to others. Others have envied Americans since they emerged for the opportunities at a better life, resulting in many choosing to become American. But by what definition must you follow to be considered American?

Freedom of speech is one of the greatest privileges Americans have, and without it, I wouldn’t feel like an american. With this privilege, I am are …show more content…

The United States is a nation that allows individuals to achieve their dreams and visions through hard work and dedication to said dreams and visions. We do not have a dictator, or a dictator’s protracted family to steal people’s wealth, or to decide who is allowed to prosper and who gets left in the dust. There are also no government employees living off of incentives and appointing their relatives. In the United States, you really can achieve whatever you put your mind too, as long as you also put all work there as well, and really push for that dream. That’s what really makes us american, the fact that we can are all given equal opportunities to achieve our dreams if we really try. I have already achieved so much with the opportunities I’m allowed to take. Like right now, I am doing independent schooling online. In some countries, females aren’t even allowed to go to school. So I think what makes us American, is that fact, that little fact that we have the privilege to do what we really want with our lives. I don't want to become a doctor, or a politician, or a college professor, but if I did want to be any of those things, I could, because this is America, and I can become whatever I put my mind