What It Means To Be An American Essay

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What It Means to Be an American
Although many foreigners would classify American citizens as slobs and robber barons, the true meaning of the term “American” includes characteristics such as opportunistic, patriotic, and diverse; indeed, the combination of hopeful entrepreneurs, devoted nationalists, and melting-pot ethnic differences create a fresh, modern culture that only the United States can provide. Certainly, the United States nearly leads the world in obesity rates and debt; however, through its uniquely fashioned history, full of ravenous racial extermination and laborious farming, the U.S. has developed an environment exclusive to the country, attracting the mass amount of immigrants that make up a large amount of the population.
When examining the country’s business make up, you will see a top ranking rate of ingenuity from the massive amount of entrepreneurship, business development, and invention. Alongside America’s known nickname, “The Land of Opportunity”, the United States expresses its resourceful character through an abundance of successful new businesses, aiding the country in both the economic output and diligent spirit. By accepting and growing with these channels of commerce, Americans fuel …show more content…

As many people know, America is by far the most Patriotic of countries, with pride bursting at the seams of the nation; indeed, the United States, with her progressively motivated economy and culture, has created a devoted population that will fight to the death anyone who demises it. For example, very few nations take such pride and put forth such effort into a National Independence Day. With such an essential meaning placed upon the Fourth of July, Americans have no choice but to take this day, along with most other days in the year, as an opportunity to boast with one another about how great their land