What Does Being An American Mean To Me Essay

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To be an American can mean a great many things to a person, not everyone in this country has been created equal to live with the same point of view. In todays world there are many different ways "American" can be interpreted. Everyone in America besides the native American people have different backgrounds from around the world, this meaning our country is diverse in its ethnicity and in its cultural differences. To me the meaning of American is that there is a peace of living between people of different races, although we're still trying to figure it out ourselves there can be a sense of pride in that. My only question is with different view points on the definition of American what will we, as a nation, strive to live for? What is it that we are still fighting for equality if it doesn't get us to anything greater? Explain an American to me. What describes just an American citizen? There are …show more content…

My people have settled upon this land long before any other white settler came along. To me my peoples history is still going untold, it is brutal and hideous and because of it my people are going extinct. I didn't live in the era that my grandparents did, where they were stripped of their language, their heritage, and their identities. But being raised in the generation I am today I see how people from all over the world would use America as a place of hope and freedom. But is that truly what it is? Now that our country is a laughing stalk to the rest of the world without its freedom what is America itself. I see the remains of people trying to coexist with one another in this place that no longer has much meaning. I don't have a definition of America or americans other then we are all trying to survive in a country of the white mans creating. We are all trying to live in peace to the best of our abilities but because we are only humans its difficult to see past