Research Paper On What Does It Mean To Be An American Essay

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Don’t be afraid to change because change only leads to a new beginning. Anyone can say they are American, but what does it truly mean to be an American? Can anyone be an American? Is there really such thing as freedom, how would you react if you could go somewhere without being judged and you can be who you are? Can anyone really live an American dream? In America are the people really who we think they are do they have no care for who we are? Knowing all of the answers to these questions will help you figure out what an American is, but the question is after knowing all of these would you still want to be an American?

Is there really such a place where freedom can be found? The answer is both yes and no, because in America some consider their lives to be free, but some say they are locked in a cage. America does hold such a place for freedom in allowing all in search of genders and races in the same place. They do hold such a place for freedom but, there freedom isn’t the kind of freedom you want. There is pushing the limits in America in which in some places blacks and whites have to stay away from each other. Also in some specific places some consider that the women must stay away from the men. So is America really such a free place? …show more content…

Again the answer is yes and no because, no place is actually what they say they are.. Some people do live off their American dream to be a normal American girl and have friends. On the other hand, many don’t accomplish their dream, they are pushed aside because of maybe how they look or their race. The American dream works in some varieties of people because not everyone is liked for who they are in any country, that is the only problem in America, our people. Now after hearing this do you really think that you can live and succeed in your American