
Examples Of What It Means To Be An American

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What Does it Mean to be an American? I have lived in America my whole life. I have no relatives that have ever lives outside the United States. If I did research over what it is like to become an American citizen, I would find it very interesting on how it would work. All the different things you would have to go through just to become a citizen is crazy. An American is someone who supports their country, is patriotic in many ways, and finds freedom in different opportunities. Someone who supports their country is an American. For example, Mike Christian is a great example of being an American. In the text of “John McCain, Never Forget Their Duty” Mike takes pride in his work, honors other people for their work and shows sympathy towards others. In the excerpt Mike cares for his other soldiers like they were family, “Mike had a keen and deep appreciation for the opportunities this country- and our military- provide for the people” (12). Mike Christian cared for others more then he cared for himself. He didn’t care that he got in trouble for making another flag he wanted to do it because he knew how much it meant towards the soldiers. To be an American you need to support your country and others and he shows that by making another American flag. …show more content…

For instance, in the poem “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman, he describes all the different people being happy for all different reasons. Whitman hears “The mason singing as he makes ready for work, or leaves for work, the boatman singing what belongs to him” (16). When the mason worker sings joyfully going to work he is excited about doing what he loves. The varied carols that are heard on the way to work show patriotism and the love for their job. The two workers are happy going to work and enjoy being in America. You can tell by their enthusiasm on their way to

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