Proud To Be An American Essay

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To you what is a American? To me an American is a person that is free and that you can do anything in this country that you say whatever u want and express yourself. That most country do not have the freedom that we have in America. We were born in this country, and we have the right to be here. That we are proud to be in this country. That is what an American is To start off a American is a person that is born here and that they are proud to be here. That they don't have to worry about yourself. That you get to go to school for free, and you get the education for are that we don't need to pay for our education like other countries have to pay. An american is a anyone who loves life enough to want to do the best that there is offer. American is not just automatically satisfied with their currents situations. Americans look to more than the next meal; they look to the future, the long term, a better …show more content…

The american ought,therefore,to love this country much better than the wherein either he or his forefathers were born(J.hector st.john de crevecoeur.(j.hector st.john de crèvecoeur). America the beautiful.with its spacious skins an amber waves gain. That many people believe that the rise social mobility and success is possible in america each year to seek the american dream. The essence of the american dream is the understanding that we are here on this earth and in this land for a higher purpose anything that stands in anything th at enhance the dream.we must fight for are dreams. The american dream is continuing to prosper and flourish since our founding father man may follow.the american dream say