
Being Free: The True Meaning Of Freedom

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Many people use the word “free” but they don’t know the true meaning of being “free”. The meaning of “being free” is enjoying the personal rights and the liberty that your country gives, different countries have different rules and some don’t even have much freedom or none at all of their citizens. Some examples of being “free” is having the right to have an education, and having the right to speak up for what you believe in. A story that I have read that connects with the statement free is, “Speech at the United Nations” by, Malala Yousafzai. This story connects with the word free because Malala wanted to have an education but where she lives women are not allowed to have an education or there will be consequences, Malala stood up for herself …show more content…

Hornberger published, February 1, 2014, he states that, “Johann von Goethe once wrote, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe’s statement perfectly captures the plight of the American people in our time. That’s one of the principal challenges that we libertarians face, for if people are convinced they’re free, they have no incentive to break free of their servitude. Even worse, they express gratitude for it, for example, by praising the troops for “defending our freedom” and being proud that “I’m an American because at least I know I’m free.” (Jacob G. Hornberger FFF articles). Jacob also says that some people are convinced that they are free and that they have no incentive to break free of their servitude, and that is an example of people thinking they are being treated the same of everyone else and that they have the same freedoms as everyone else, but they don't realize that other countries have different rules and some have more freedoms than the others and they don't realize it because they think it's normal and the same as everyone else in the

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