Ben And Jerry's Essay

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Inbound marketing is a technique utilized by companies to attract and retain customers in a subtle fashion. On the internet, companies draw visitors to their websites through the use of videos, images, and interesting stories. In real estate, you learn that location, location, location is the most important aspect of any real estate. The same holds true with inbound marketing. Creating a presence on the internet entails strategically placed links to your website. Utilization of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. all help with the strategic placement of the links to your website. (Pateman & Holt, 2011).
Ben & Jerry's
Ben & Jerry's ( is a great example of inbound marketing. The company not only makes fantastic ice cream but was one of the first socially conscious companies in the United States. The above the fold on the landing page has a blue background with clouds which, to me, is very calming and serene. As you scroll down the landing page, you realize that the background image is a farm with cattle grazing with the blue sky is above. The above the fold content includes the company's logo, links to other pages including links to Ben & Jerry's website in several countries, a search field, stories about new products and ice cream flavors and news stories related to politics and …show more content…

Each image has anchor text beneath the image. The first image relates to the new beer flavor with the anchor text "There's a New Ben & Jerry's-Inspired Beer Coming!". The anchor text beneath the first image reads "The World's Biggest Coral Reef in Trouble - Big Time". The second image's anchor text reads "How One Court Ruling Sabotaged Voting Forever". The third reads "5 Reasons We are Totally Psyched for the Frendly [sic] Gathering". And the final image reads "Good-bye Fossil Fuels: Clean Energy Jobs Are on the Rise". (Ben & Jerry’s,

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