Benjamin Bugsy Siegel Essay

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Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was the first to realize the huge money-making potential of the legalized gambling haven of Las Vegas, Nevada, the American mobster who oversaw the construction of The Flamingo, the city's first luxury casino and hotel in 1940's. Siegel was born in Brooklyn, New York on February 28, 1906, and tragically died at the young age of 41 on June 20, 1947.
The nickname “Bugsy” came from a former gang member for his quick and violent temper. The nickname was supposed to be a complement made by the gang member, Siegel did not like it, it reminded him of him being poor in his childhood, that he was trying to leave behind. No one called him “Bugsy” to his face, if they did, they risked harm. The people who were close to Siegel just …show more content…

Bugsy, “the man who brought organized crime to the West Coast, is shot and killed at his mistress Virginia Hill’s home in Beverly Hills, California. Siegel had been talking to his associate Allen Smiley when three bullets were fired through the window and into his head, killing him instantly.” Henriod, J. (2018, June 19). June 1947: Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel murdered. The Mob Museum. Retrieved January 6, 2023, from No one knows who killed Bugsy still to this day, it remains a mystery. The leader of syndicate, Davey Berman, Gus Greenbaum, and Morris Rosen walked into the flamingo and took it over minutes after Siegel passed. Although Lansky denied involvement in the hit, there is little doubt that Siegel was murdered on syndicate orders. Even after 71 years, the debate on who pulled the trigger, and caused the gruesome crime scene, continues. The leader of syndicate, Davey Berman, Gus Greenbaum, and Morris Rosen walked into the flamingo and took it over minutes after Siegel passed. “Some sources, like the Las Vegas Sun, suggest that irate mobsters met in Havana, Cuba, to decide Siegel’s fate.”. Dimuro, G. (2022, June 02). The wild story of Bugsy Siegel, the terrifying gangster who practically invented Las Vegas. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from More than anything, Siegel is not just celebrated for his life, but how he died. After building up himself as an imposing criminal nearness on both coasts, Siegel has turned his look to the Las Vegas forsake, where a sprinkling of casinos and inns appeared to proclaim future wealth for