Bethany Hamilton: Most Feared Animals In The Titanic

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Bethany Hamilton Did you know sharks are the most feared animals in the ocean? Bethany Hamilton was just 13 when she was attacked by a shark off the shore of Kauai Hawaii in 2003. She was surfing with one of her friends and her friends dad was also there. And all of a sudden a 15 foot tiger shark snuck up on Bethany, and bit off her left arm. Her reaction wasn’t loud or frightening, it was calm. She didn’t have enough time to think about what had happened. After she got attacked, she calmly said “ I just got bit by a shark”, Bethany showed great resilience in overcoming a shark to achieve her surfing dream. Bethany was positive when she was attacked. She didn’t show any negativity while she was in the hospital. She didn’t like seeing people