
Betrayal In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Literature frequently explores themes of betrayal. By depicting Santiago Nasar’s death in his book “Chronicle of a Death Foretold,” Gabriel Garcia Marquez paints a moving image of betrayal. The central plot of “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” is based around Santiago Nasar’s betrayal, which Marquez depicts to show that the town has no morals and does not care about the lives of others when it is not benefiting them. Marquez also takes into account the narrator’s perspective of Santiago Nasar which described him as being a “merry and calm,and openhearted man”(8) while also taking into account some of the townspeople’s perspective of Nasar such as the chef, Victoria Guzman, who frequently seen Nasar's repulsive attitude toward women and macho …show more content…

In order to ensure his death, she neglected to warn him. Without a doubt, each character has their own personal account of the events that happened the day of Nasar’s death. The Vicario brothers recall, "It wasn't raining...quite the opposite," as one example (61) and Colonel Aponte notes that it began to rain sometime between five and six o'clock. Each of these seemingly little details adds to the increasing uncertainty in each person's account causing readers to base their own opinions of what happened. Santiago is deceived by most of the residents in the town because they are aware that he is about to be killed, yet only a few of the people from Sucre tried to prevent it. The few members of the community that actually tried to stop it did not put out the minimum effort that was necessary to properly warn him. Nasar’s death brought out the guilt and corruption of the entire town, which are only highlighted by the justifications people gave for it. Due to his hangover from the wedding celebration and breaking up a bunch of fights the day before, the mayor chooses not to intervene which is odd because as the mayor, it is his job to ensure the safety of everyone in the town. The priest does nothing because

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