Biblical Worldview Essay

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Before we delve into this topic, let us go back to the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. (God said let us make Man in our own image, after our likeness) There are two very important words here, IMAGE and LIKENESS. Let’s first look at the word IMAGE, it means the exact reflection of one’s self, when you look in the mirror, you see the exact reflection of yourself, so we wouldn’t be wrong to say that God looks like Man. Then the word LIKENESS, also means characteristics, behavior, attributes, abilities, nature or actions, so in both reflection and in actions Man is like God. Let us take a look at the likeness or the nature of God, one of which is leadership, God created Man so, he, God will rule over Man, so man will intend rule over the systems …show more content…

God made Man his co-creator as was demonstrated in Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 and 20 (19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. There are two major points to take note of in this verse. First, God addressed Man by name, all along he was referring to him as Man. This time he was dealing with the human man and not the spirit man. He translated creation from the spirit to the physical, indicating that Adam, who is human just like any name has the ability to function like …show more content…

We were all born to be leaders, to subdue our environment with our gifts and to serve humanity. No one was born to be a follower. We become followers when we settle for jobs instead of doing the work we were born to do, job makes you a follower, but work makes you a leader. Work is that which you were born to do and job is that which you do to survive. Work is defined as what you have been gifted to do to serve humanity for life’s fulfillment. Based on the definition of work, let’s take a look at the similarities of work and leadership. Based on the leadership definition discussed earlier, we realized that three components or features are highlighted in both definitions. They are (1) Gift (2) Service to humanity (3) Fulfillment in life, these elements or features could be seen in creation by God. (i) Gift-His ability to create (ii) Service to Humanity-He created all things for humanity (iii) Finally, fulfillment in Life-He said at the end of creation that all He has done was good. God being the greatest leader exhibited these 3 major features in his work, and since Man was created in his image and likeness, Man must also exhibit these 3 major features in his work to reflect God’s image. In conclusion, we can say that leadership is the work you were born to do, and since every Man was assigned a work to do, therefore every Man was born a