Big Bang Theory Vs Religion

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In society today, there are many conflicting viewpoints of the origin of the Earth and the universe as we know it. According to Genesis 1 of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and the darkness was over the face of the deep.” This is what Christians believe to be the beginning of the Earth and the universe as we see it today. Around six thousand years ago, God created light, the Earth, organisms, and humanity in seven, twenty-four hour days. Before God created the universe, there was nothing present. According to the Bible, there was no minuscule atom containing all matter and energy, or any other scientific theory that attempts to explain the beginning. There was only …show more content…

Delve a little deeper into the details and one will find that the Big Bang Theory has many holes that cannot be explained by scientists. If one were to ask a scientist about these holes, they may point to certain research or data to explain these holes and in reality explain nothing at all. They might respond with something about not being able to explain or understand everything in the universe with today’s technology. If that is the case, why is it being taught to children? How can one say that it is ludicrous for the Earth to be created by a sovereign Being and then turn around and announce that instead an explosion and billions of years created this world? As is stated by writer Wayne Jackson when discussing this topic, “never in the history of human experience has a chaotic explosion been observed producing an intricate order that operates purposely. An explosion in a print shop does not produce an encyclopedia, [or] a tornado sweeping through a junkyard . . . assemble a Boeing 747.” From a logical aspect, it would be preposterous to have never seen an explosion create something that functions properly and then claim that an exact example of this explosion is the reason that humanity is here today. However, in a simple sense, this is exactly what most scientists today are claiming. Supposing that an explosion were the reason for the universe, would not every planet and star be propelled away from such an event, leaving a gaping hole somewhere? If an explosion were the answer to the origin of the universe, everything would be propelled equally in every direction. The universe would be uniform with every galaxy and planet equidistant from its neighbors. Instead we observe a universe that is in fact clustered with many stars and galaxies packed tightly together and other areas where there is nothing