Bilingualism In Early Childhood

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Early Childhood bilingualism

Having exposed what entails to acquire languages, it is essential to bring up that the focus of this conceptual framework is not to just to determine and analyze what entails an early successive (sequential) bilingualism process, but also how this process contributes to better skills ' development. Following early childhood bilingual continuum, children who get to acquire an additional language are more competent that those who don’t have the chance.

To begin with, McLaughlin (1984) claims that from two to six year of age children develop their language competences through a natural acquisition process, and by the time they reach formal schooling they have already mastered them in an exceptional way. Also, points out that children play an active role on their language skills development. They get more curious to learn about the social aspects of the language, and learn to control their own actions and thoughts. As well as creating and experimenting with the language by playing and performing required tasks. In addition, she labels the second language process that children of three years of age and on experience as successive bilingualism, yet she stresses that a set period mark for this metalinguistic occurrence to begin is not set in stone. In the field successive, also known as sequential acquisition takes place when a child has at least achieved some competences on their first language before being exposed to a second one.
