Bini And Sunni Essay

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Muhammad, born around 570 AD, is the founder of the Muslim Islamic movement. He was orphaned at the age of six and raised by family members. Around 610 AD, he was on a retreat and entered a cave where he claims to have been visited by the angel Gabriel, was told to “recite”, and be Allah’s prophet (VB: History, Beliefs, and Practices). Civil unrest grew around him as he preached, until 622 AD. He was invited to Yathrib to be their governor and prophet (VB: 10 Years in Mecca). Muhammad died in 632 AD with no direct heir and creates a division over who should lead Islam. The movement is divided into sects; the Sunni and Shia (VB: Initial Expansion of Islam).
Allah is a god but not the one true God. Muslims believe they have to work hard to …show more content…

These two sects are divided mainly over a disagreement over who should succeed Muhammad following his death. The Shia support Ali as a direct descent to Muhammad to lead. The Sunni followers value exceptional teachers to lead them. They also have differences over a few doctrines and how the Islam beliefs should be practiced in the modern world. The Sunni is made up of about 80-85% of all Muslims and can be found in areas like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Indonesia. The Shia represents around 15% of all Muslims and can be found in Iran, Iraq and parts of Africa (VB: Islam).
The domain of Islam is the requirement to testify and make a strong Islamic nation and to be constantly on the move. The domain of war is the pushing forward of the domain of Islam into the expansion and conquering of the world. Recently some Muslims are starting to challenge if they need to continue to conquer the world since today's world view is more global (VB: Reforming the Muslim World View).
The doctrine of abrogation refers to the Qur’an and the idea that if conflict arises that Medinan law trumps Mecca law. This is important since Islam is a religion of laws. Mecca law instructs when Muslims meet Christians they should not fight them but engage them. However, the Medinan law tells Muslims to fight and conquer non Muslims. This is very concerning (VB: 10 Years in