“Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia in 570”. Islam is religion which evolves with the passage of time. They are various numbers of Prophets in Islam who serve humans in faith in God. But Muhammad (PBUH) was the last Prophet in Islam.
The people of Arabia are in several tribes. These tribes have fights on their way of life. The Arab people are considered as disobedient to God. The four Caliphs ruled to guide people. The Arab landscape was divided into towns and cities.
The religion at the time of Muhammad (PBUH) was Christianity. The biggest landscape of Muhammad was that he united the whole Arab world that was fighting each other before his birth. People buried there daughters into grave
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It contained hundreds of Idols whom people worship. They represent various tribal God’s. The most prominent religious figures before Islam were Abraham Jesus and Mary.
They all worship the God whom Jews and Christian. Abraham devoted his son Ishmael in the way of God and Muslims follow this Abraham tradition of sacrifice in the form of sacrificing precious Cow’s, Goats to remember Ishmael dedication.
The Prophet Muhammad has distinct from all other Prophets and prominent figures in Arab and outside the Arab world. The Bible and Injeel were the Holy books of God, The Injeel revealed on Jesus and The Holy book of Quran revealed on Muhammad (PBUH) which all the Islamic world follows.
The Quran is the last book from God which revealed on last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which makes him superior then anybody on earth. Muhammad (PBUH) behaviour, tolerance and personality are distinct features.
Jesus Christ was son of Marry though he did not have human father. He used to be a carpenter in his early life. According to the Christianity believe Jesus is the only man on earth who is sinless. He has great impact on civilization and religious