Biological Vs Psychodynamic

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Is It Biological or Psychodynamic? There was a time when clinical psychologist’s agreed upon one model of abnormality. This model was known as the demonological model that was derived from medieval society’s issues with religion, superstition, and warfare, (Comer, 2014). Times have changed and because of that society has moved into a broader acceptance of the use of many different models that have stemmed from people’s values and the progression of clinical research. In the following paragraphs we will examine two of those models: the biological model and the psychodynamic model. Both of these models contrast in many ways as it relates to the therapies used as well as the overall explanation of each model. Biological theorists explain abnormal …show more content…

Patients are prescribed psychotropic medications to help regulate their moods and effect the emotions and thought processes of each patient, (Comer, 2014). Most practitioners believe that all psychiatric and behavioral disorders are the result of a brain dysfunction that requires the use of medication, (Loewit-Phillips, P. M., & Goldbas A., 2013). The downside of the use of the psychotropic drugs are that people misuse them and/or become dependent upon them. Electroconvulsive therapy or ECT causes miniature brain seizures in depressed individuals that, after several sessions, will help them to feel less depressed. The last biological treatment known as psychosurgery is an actual surgery that requires the patient’s connections between the frontal lobes and lower regions of the brains to be cut, (Comer, 2014). This surgery however is a last resort dependent upon the patient not receiving any help from the other forms of …show more content…

The ego seeks gratification unconsciously but in accordance with what is known as the reality principle, and the superego extends from the ego and is the part that makes us feel good when we uphold certain values unconsciously passed on from our parents. Freud also came up with developmental stages that serves as a basis to show where a person is at developmentally or if they are stuck at a certain stage in life. These stages are known as the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages of life. People are given challenges and go through life facing different situations and based on Freud’s stages, a person will either become fixated to one stage or progress moving throughout all of the stages. However, a person can also revert to an earlier stage of life if the adjustments are