Biotechnology Ethical Issues

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Biotechnology consists of two Greek words being ‘bios’, meaning ‘’everything to do with life’’, and ‘technikos’ implying ‘’involving human knowledge and skills’’. (1.) Biotechnology harnesses bimolecular and cellular processes in order to develop technologies and products that can possibly help improve life and health on our planet focusing on to feed, heal, and fuel the world. Humans have used the biological process of microorganisms for over 6,000 years formulating useful products, such as breads and cheese. (2.) Egyptians have used yeasts to bake leavened bread, whereas Chinese developed fermentation techniques for cheese making and brewing. As today, biotechnology is looked as recombination DNA. Even though modern biotechnology focuses …show more content…

There are ethical controversies when destroying human embryos for research following the use and the creations of human embryos that are used for stem cell research and therapy. It causes moral problems, as it appears to bring tension within two fundamental principles that are valued highly. It is morally banned to intentionally destroy innocent human beings. The human embryo is looked as an innocent human being, and therefore means destroying a potential human life. (11.) Besides that it enjoins the principle of improvement of suffocation. It is impossible to respect both moral principles. Despite the potential benefit of the use of embryonic stem cells in treatment of diseases, the use remains to be argumentative because of their derivation from earlier embryos. (12.) In the United States, the question when life begins is controversial and linked to debates over abortion. It is not doubtful that embryos have the potential to become human beings. If implanted into a women’s uterus, an embryo could implant, and develop into a fetus and continue to become a live-born child. …show more content…

Even though the embryonic stem cells might not have life to it straight away, there is possibility in killing a potential life. I personally do not have a religion, but I still think it is looked at as a way of murder. Also, if a person was to get extremely sick, no one is responsible and it is therefore no one’s job to try and cure this person. As human beings we should not try to play god and think we can save every human life on this planet. Scientists claim to develop ways of treatment and cures, but it is yet uncertain to what extend this will have (positive) impact on the illness. It is natural for people to get ill. I believe that it is the way life goes. When applying the use of stem cell research, it is as if each person becomes similar through the use of science. This process might become successful in several years from now, but that is still to be seen. When it becomes useful, it might not even be accessible for everyone, as there is a chance it will come with a price. On top of that stem cell transplantation can cause organ damage, infections, new cancers, and in the worst scenario death. When the cells come from a donor, it can cause GVHD (graft-versus-hot-disease) with symptoms of joint or muscle pain, shortness of breath, rashes, a dry mouth, and many others. (19.) I personally think it is too much of a risk, especially since there is no guarantee of success. On top of that it is causing lots