Birches Tone

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Subject: The poem is a imaginative projection of Frost’s earlier tree swinging on Birch trees that are actually bent by nature, a less transcendent force.
Paraphrase: When the narrator is faced with Birch trees, he transitions from the reality of their stature to his personal manipulation of them. First, he outlines the realistic situation of how the changing seasons is what shaped them to look the way they do. Then, he shifts to telling how he once swung from Birch trees, and how he longs to do the same now. To him, climbing them would be a form of temporary escape from the Earth.
Organization: The poem is written in blank verse, which means there is no sing song quality or rhyme scheme. This emphasizes the reality side of the poem, as even the narrator realizes that the Birches are not actually as he wants to envision them. …show more content…

At first, his tone is straightforward, as he describes the factual occurrences on the trees by way of nature. Then, he becomes personal, outline his own experiences on trees. They hold a special place in his heart since he enjoyed them during an innocent part of his life. Finally, he contrasts the two sides of either escaping into his reverie or realizing the the grounded truth. In turn, a contemplative tone emerges. As he juxtaposes the two, Frost cannot help but give an ambiguous answer, as “[t]hat would be good both going and coming back” (Frost 58). As a result, there seems to be no certain answer to his