Birth Order Of Children Essay

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Every child has his or her own set of traits, however, these traits can be affected by birth order. Many people believe that the birth order of children determine how a child is treated. Birth orders can have many affects on the traits, demeanor, and discipline of a child. The traits of children are often affected by the birth order, simply becauce they may have to take on various roles in the family.
The first born will develop a few traits that most often only appear in the oldest child. These traits can include; cooperative, devoted, flexible, mature, responsible, self-disciplined, or respectful. These are just a few examples of the positive traits the oldest child can have. Some examples of negative traits that the oldest child could have are; rude, unenthusiastic, insensitive, selfish, or stubborn. The reason why the oldest child may develop these traits can be associated with the responsibility they may have over their younger siblings. They may feel as though they have to take on too much responsibility and become selfish or stubborn. The oldest child can also show a higher maturity level, and can often become very flexible due to helping with his or her siblings. …show more content…

Some of these traits can be; accepting, forgiving, a lack of faith in self, practical, blames others, or insecure. The reason some of these traits develop can be from the lack of attention or being stuck in the middle of his or her siblings. Often times the middle child will be caught in between fights involving the oldest and the youngest child. This may make the middle child fee overwhelmed or make her or she feel as though they are seen but never heard. The middle child may feel invisible because the child’s parents are always busy with his or her siblings. These are just a few examples of the traits that a middle child can