Black Panther Party And Its Impact On The Civil Rights Movement

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The impact of the Black Panther Party and their Ten-point program on the civil Rights Movement

The black Panther Parties views were greatly different from that of the civil rights leaders at that time. During the rousing of Malcolm X 's assassination, the massive Black urban uprising in Watts, California and with Martin Luther King Jr., with being the sole leader of the civil rights movement, embracing a Nonviolent approach to the situation. Being amongst those the facing constant threat of police brutality, Ku Klux Klan and even random white mobs. The Black Panthers chose revolutionary tactics and embraced militancy, they were tired of being polite, tired of trying to blend, and living side by side with a people that just would not accept …show more content…

Newton, the son of a Louisiana family that relocated to Oakland, California and Robert George “Bobby” Seale met in the early sixties while both were attending Meritt Junior College in West Oakland. Bobby Seale being a member of RAM (Revolutionary Action Movement) and Newton and Seals being active in Black politics. They were both involved in a college-based group called the Soul Students Advisory Committee for several years before they came together to form the Panthers in Oakland, California, in October 1966. The experiences they had in college were formative in the creation of the beliefs of the Panthers as those experiences led them toward rejecting the viewpoint of what they called the “cultural nationalists” this caused the creation of the Ten Point program although similar to the Bill of rights in the us constitution it emphasized their movement from pursuing civil rights to a reconstructed American society. The panthers idealism was simple we only have ourselves because “they” meaning the government that held them from the natural human rights granted to all in the U.S. constitution and the bill of rights ended the party with the realization of that “they” don’t care. The formation of the Panthers was the direct result of the development of the civil rights movement.

After forming the Party Seals and Newton realized that without an actual relatable platform they would never be heard therefore the ten point program was created. The Black Panther