Blame The Eater

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In the short article “Don’t Blame the Eater” written by David Zinczenko, former editor in chief of Men 's health magazine. Zinczenko from the begin of his article had established sense of emotional appeal toward overweight individual; in particular children. This evident when Zinczenko quoted Jay Leno (popular tv host) making a joke comparing irresponsible driver to common youth fast food patrons. Zinczenko defense them by stating “I tend to sympathize with these portly fast-food patrons.[m]aybe that’s because [he] us to be one of them”(Zinczenko 241). This statement also a lay the foundation credibility towards audience. According to Zinczenko he us to by the age of 15, he was 5’10 and tip the scale at 212 pound (Zinczenko 241). Reaching the