Exemplification Essay: Caesar Barber's In Fast Food

357 Words2 Pages
Fast Food Fatty

Whoever put the “s” in fast food was clever. This year a man named Caesar Barber ate 4-5 fast food meals a week. He soon got 100 pounds heavier and not too much longer he had a heart attack. Barber is as stupid as a turkey because he kept eating even after he had He felt that he had a heart attack because he was not warned of the outcomes of eating so much fast food. It came to the point where he was so angry about not being warned that he tried to sue fast food restaurants such as Wendy’s, McDonald’s, KFC, and Burger King.I personally think that it is his fault for eating way too much fast food. There is something called free will which most countries don’t have and this is one of the main reasons why America is so obese.