Blaming Women: Motivation For Serial Killers

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Blaming women
In addition a recurring theme in motivation for serial killers ties into other categories but happens often enough to have it own category. Many killer blame women for their violent impulses whether creating arbitrary categories in which there is a separation of “good women” and “bad women” the second category usually involving those they feel justified in torturing and killing. Or just lumping women into a “all bad” category. Sometimes this is the after effect of two different types of sexisim. One type, the more aggressive type sometimes called “hostile” sexisim is the sexisit idea also reffered to as mysoginy which is the idea of actions, attitudes and beliefs that support the idea that women are inferior to women and the …show more content…

They don’t deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such.” -Excerpt from “My Twisted World” Unfortunately while this quote belongs in the time of Ted Bundy and ads that place women near a a shoes claim “right where she belongs” it is from a young man who shot up a sorority in santa barbara in 2014 named the Isla Vista massacre where he killed 6 and injured 14 others because “women wouldn’t sleep with him.” disgusting as this is sexisim such as this is prevalent in our society when completed a google search for Ted bundy quotes on women sexist internet meme’s such as ted Bundy’s head cropped onto a comedian with the quote “so there i was trying to get stiff before she did” or a picture of a young ted bundy saying “she laughed at my stutter, I laughed at her head in the fireplace” or “what do you call that useless piece of skin around the pussy? a woman.” to be clear these are not quotes from Ted Bundy but the modern attempt of humor at the expense of women. (excerpt from my essay: Sexisim Kills: Extreme misogyny combined with psychopathy is a recipe for serial killers, intermediate writing …show more content…

Several theories hinge upon early life learning, as is the case in social learning, and control theory. This idea is a small part of routine activity theory but in this case makes up a part of a larger framework that is opportunity, lack of protection, and significant motivation to commit the crime. This particular theory argues that prostitutes tend to be the choice of victims not because of a hatred of women, or sex but more so the unique vulnerability prostitutes have. They are more easily lured in vehicles, tend to have less social bonds to to the profession of choice. And the larger populations push to solve the murder of a street walker is less than that of the suburban soccer mom. Much like many of the other theories listed there are many situation in which certain theories have a hard time being applied. Social learning states that an individual may over the course of their life learn that they are more rewarded for criminal behavior than punished. Such as certain situations involving military service or families with criminal backgrounds. However this does not hold up when 7% of all serial killers have had some kind of military service, or in the instance of many psychopaths who have lived the suburban dream and outside of selfish impulses and lack of empathy