
Bob Dylan Research Paper

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Is Bob Dylan really that Great? Bob Dylan is a true American original, the foremost American songwriter of the last 35 years, the voice and conscience of a generation, or atleast thats what the writer of this piece thinks. The writer starts by stating all these reasons why Dylan is the truest version of an American artist, and how Dylan’s work is exceptionally diverse and original by combining African-American Blue, white country music, rural folk music, imagist poetry, and rock & roll. When Dylan started his career in music most genres were seen as incompatible combinations, but then Dylan changed this. He combined a broad range of genres and created a new musical and literary form with his serious yet popular songs. Other artist have tried to recreate what Dylan did with music, but he will forever be the first to do it and the best at it. Dylan was something everyone wished they could be. He was completely himself in his music, he didn’t just do what everyone else was popular. His music is perennial in the American culture. …show more content…

In his 1965 album “Bringing it All Back Home” he spun stories of him arriving in North America before Christopher Columbus and tells of bizarre encounters he has and then the ending is him meeting Columbus and just saying “Good Luck.” His songs had a historical yet comical sense. Bob Dylan’s stance was best described by the writer in these few line: “the individual sensibility- aesthetic, political, spiritual- could claim a role at the heart of the nation's ongoing drama, in the middle of its ethnic and religious polyphony, locate what was of value there and singing a new self, even a new country, out of

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