Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay

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The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombs. Not the ones you see in Mario with the wind-up winch in the back. Big ones. Atomic. That wipe out cities so as to save lives. American lives. And that is why the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary, because it saved the lives of American soldiers who could have died in order to end the war. Justified or not Most people wonder if the bombing was necessary or if it could have been avoided altogether. Some would argue that America only dropped the bomb to make an example out of Japan. To show our powers to the Soviets and other countries and what will happen if they try and fight us. Others would argue that it was needed, that it saved countless innocent lives that would have been lost in an invasion. Then the subject of the supposed “negotiations” would always appear. And people would argue that Japan was about to surrender and they were at the end of their rope and everyone knew it. Yet they dropped the bomb anyways. And then someone would say that we gave the Japanese countless chances and even a few warnings before we took extreme measures to ensure our victory. Either way it save over three million Japanese lives and over a million American soldiers lives also. In this way it was justified in the eyes of our leader, the honorable President Harry Truman. Another example …show more content…

had in their arsenal. But when the second one dropped, many got scared and surrendered yet a few of the Japanese military wanted to keep fighting. But in fear of more of these bombs and loosing even more of his precious country, the Japanese head, Hirohito-sama called off his men and decided to surrender. What many don’t know is that rather than surrender many Japanese civilians killed themselves. And that if Japan hadn’t surrendered and there had been an invasion and women and children would have been used in order to keep their defense